25 October 2011

The Results

After the embryo transfer I came across this wonderful info about "What happens to the embryo after transfer?" from http://www.nyufertilitycenter.org/ivf/embryo_transfer.

3-Day Transfer
Days Past
Transfer (DPT)
 Embryo Development
 OneThe embryo continues to grow and develop, turning from a 6-8 cell embryo into a morula
 TwoThe cells of the morula continue to divide, developing into a blastocyst
 ThreeThe blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell 
 FourThe blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
 FiveThe blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation 
 SixImplantation continues
 SevenImplantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop 
 EightHuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream 
 NineFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted 
 TenFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted  
 ElevenLevels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy 

So I kind of knew everyday what would be happening to embies inside my body. So by Day 6 post transfer, I was absolutely certain that I'm not pregnant. My friend challenged me, telling that I could be wrong. My answer was I'm 100% certain. My hubby believed what I said. How can I be so sure of my results, when my test is due only on Day12 post transfer?

When implantation occurs, there is increased blood flow to the uterus, and increase in hormone production i.e. estrogen and progesterone. This results in increased creamy cervical mucus(CM). In my case till D6 post transfer since ET day it had been very dry.  Usually it is the case after ovulation for me i.e. from mid cycle it's always dry till I get my menses  Since CM  was completely dry I was absolutely certain that I did not succeed.

Besides I did not have any other pregnancy symptoms, although these can be mimicked by lutel phase hormone support medicine. For example these medicine causes abdomen cramps, breast tenderness and bloatedness.

I cried, cried and cried; I could not take it, why does it always have to be like this? I've never experienced, the feeling of being pregnant. Will I ever experience? How many times do I have to go through IVF before I succeed? We both hugged and cried not knowing what to do?

I'm determined to do one thing before my next attempt i.e. "loose weight". My BMI is 26.6 I want to bring it down to 24. My thought behind it is, at least I'll do whatever is manageable i.e. within my control. Coz obviously pregnancy is something beyond my control.

Only time can answer if loosing weight could bring me success......
On Beta Test Day - Today

Went to the clinic by 9.30 am, did the blood test. And was hanging around in nearby mall. Decided to do a hair treatment while waiting. I was very nervous, even-though I knew my results. By the way yesterday morning I did a HPT which was 'negative'. Dreaded call never came till 12.30pm even-though they said that they'd get the results in 2 hours.

I called them at 1pm, and nurse said they have just got the results and will call me back. I spoke to my hubby and we almost guessed it. Because if it was positive they would have immediately congratulated me right?

Hubby told no point in hanging around, he told me to just go home. It's confirmed now. So I finished small errands in the mall and was just getting into the car, when I finally received the call confirming that my cycle didn't work out.

So now what? I really want to loose weight and improve my egg quality before I do my next cycle. So please share with me any tips you have

1. To improve my egg quality
2. Improve DH's sperm count
3. How to succeed in IVF ?

I hope and pray I too can be pregnant and become a mom for healthy babies one day.......

24 October 2011

Celebrities who have gone through IVF

I came across this blog post by Nicole, Australia. It's summarizes the information about all celebrities who have done IVF. Check out this interesting post. "Celebrities & IVF, those who have been honest about it"

23 October 2011

Giuliana Rancic's Breast Cancer Discovery During IVF Attempt no 3

I started watching this reality show "Giuliana & Bill" since they too are going through IVF to have their babies. She was lucky to get pregnant in her 1st IVF attempt, but miscarried in 8 weeks. On her 2nd attempt she got OHSS after egg retrieval and was admitted in hospital on the same night. Hence they did a FET and it was BFN.

Giuliana & Bills latest season showed them going to fertility clinic to start their IVF 3. So I was curious to know if she suceeded in IVF 3. I googled " Giuliana's IVF 3 results". I was shocked to see the news about her new battle with breast cancer. It took me a while to digest this news  and I was in tears. Oh my Gosh, why do some of us has to battle with all these challenges on our journey towards becoming parents.  In the mean time I do envy some others whose life is so simple and perfect. However, It's not the case for me neither for poor Giuliana. I always have to battle to get what I want.....

She was on IVF stimulation, when her Dr ordered a mammogram for her. Because if she got pregnant, pregancy hormones would  aggravate cancer, even if there is  a small risk of cancerous cells. Unfornately test results came out positive. When she got her results she was on D7 of IVF treatment. Dr's had advised her to go ahead with egg retrieval and then do the breast cancer treatment. Now she has undergone surgery, and would be going through radiation treatment for 6 and half weeks. 

There is lot of debate and concern if IVF and cancer is related. I wish to point out below thoughts shared by Dr Nancy Snyderman & Dr. Mark Perloe, medical director at Georgia Reproductive Specialists. (Giuliana's IVF 3 Dr).
  • Could Rancic's breast cancer be connected in any way to the fertility treatment she had undergone?  
    "No," said Dr. Nancy Snyderman. The hormones used in both in vitro fertilization and birth control pills have been studied and "there's no known cause and effect," .
  • Should we all do mamogram before IVF?   “We certainly want people to have a full health evaluation before beginning fertility treatments,”  “But we wouldn’t recommend a mammogram unless there was a family history of breast cancer or a genetic risk.” As for routine mammograms in infertile women aged 26 to 36, Perloe said, that would be a mistake. That's because mammograms come with some radiation exposure. "So you have to balance the risk of exposure to radiation from testing against the likelihood that there might be something there," Perloe said.  
  • Despite the hormone paranoia, it's even possible that IVF might be protective. “The evidence is that IVF has no effect or lowers incidence, said Adrian V. Lee, a professor of pharmacology and chemical biology and director of the Women’s Cancer Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh’s Magee-Womens  Research Institute. “The largest study in Sweden -- of 25,000 women who had IVF compared to 1.4 million without  -- showed a 25 percent reduction in breast cancer and a 40 percent reduction in cervical cancer in those who had IVF.”
Source - Doctors : IVF not to blame for Rancic's breast cancer 
What I still don't know is "Why did Dr ordered Giuliana to do a mammogram?" Please let me know if any of you'll know the answer.

22 October 2011

2 Week wait

As soon as I came home after ET, I lied in bed for few hours, later had my lunch watching TV, and again lied down after inserting progesterone pills.

1. I spent a lot of time on internet, reading ivf blogs and early pregnancy symptoms. Infact I created this blog during this time.

2. Watched TV, but for me internet is more interesting than TV. These are some of my favorite TV shows. Kardashians, MasterChef, America's next Top Model, Guliana & Bill, some tamil soaps etc., 

3 Watched a comedy flick with my husband and laughed out loud.

Oh I have this worrying dry cough, even on ET day I had this cough, its very strong I fear when I cough, I squeeze my stomach and cough out, I worry I might de-stabilise my embies. I took Prosphan a herbal dry cough syrup and drank lot of hot water.

4. I drank around 10 cups of hot/warm water flavored with lemon juice, ate healthy, took only plenty of fruits and milk with 'ensure' for dinner.

5. Sorted out digital photos which had piled up in my camera and computer.

6. Updated our expenses including amount we spent on our Baby endeavor till now.

7. Did simple work at home like sweeping the floor, ironing, cooking (hubby did all chopping, and washing)

8. I had some choclates lying in my fridge, on and off had them. (I was avoiding caffeine so chocolates only on and off)
Even in mornings I did not take coffee, instead switched to milk flavored with milo and 'ensure'.

9. Hubby gave some sit, search & update assignments which I had to do lah...

Note : during my 2 ww I hardly had any pregnancy symptoms, not even the one's mimicked by progesterone and estrogen pills :(, so with each passing day I'm becoming more and more certain that I'm not pregnant. One of the very early symptoms of pregnancy is increased creamy discharge. This should happen after implantation. Formation of mucus plug in cervical canal, and increased blood flow, and increased production of progesterone and estrongen resulting from pregnancy are the causes for increase in cervical mucus. In my case it's very dry down there. It's usually the case for me, before I get my periods. 

So readers, this is the reason I'm becoming more and more certain of my results again a BFN. Sigh..................Oh God will ever become pregnant? I'm not going to give up! "Winners never Quit, Quitters never Win" 

(heard this quote from Bill Rancic, Gulliana's hubby)

19 October 2011

IVF Attempt No 2

Sep 2011

D2 scan revealed around 20 follicles on both side (because of PCOS). Dr said he will be starting my treatment with Menopur 300iu. But before I was ordered to do a blood test to check my progesterone and estradiol levels.  Only if hormones are within the range I can start the treatment. I went to bangsar village and was window shopping till I get the results. 

After around 2 hours nurse called me to  inform that I could pick my medicine. I did my first injection in the clinic and continued with same dose from D2-D4. On D5 & 6 my dose was Menopur 225iu. During this time I felt very bloated, I drank a lot of water, consumed one or two eggs daily, and continues with my exercise routine. (1 1/2 hours cardio and 1/2 hour weights every other day) From D6, I also started my second daily injection, Cetrotide 0.25mg to prevent me from ovulating.

I was very nervous for my D6 scan, thinking of my previous experience of not responding to stimulating medicine very well. Scan revealed 3 follicles on L and 6 on R ovary.

From D7-9, I continued with same dose i.e. Menopur 225iu. Again I was nervous for D9 scan, because last scan Dr told big ones are on left, so I was thinking what if, like my first attempt if others did not grow. And considering the fact that Dr has reduced my dose.

Scan revealed 3 on L and 5 on R, which Dr said is exactly what he's looking for and was happy with my scan results. I went with my bladder full that day as Dr also did an abdomen scan to check my uterus lining. It was 6.8mm and Dr said above 6 is ok.

D10 my dose was 150iu & D11 no menopur only cetrotide. D11 scan revealed 8-9 follicles and again abdomen scan reveled my uterus lining was ok. 

On D11 night I also had to take Ovidrol shot to release my eggs, for egg pick up scheduled after 36 hours from injection time.

I was very nervous before egg pick up, considering my previous experiences. I kept thinking repeatedly 'what if, if they are empty sacks like last time'. My blood pressure spiked before my egg pick up.

I was little relieved to see confident Dr, cheerfully wishing me before my egg pick up.

While I was slowly getting back to reality after egg pick anesthesia, I heard someone calling my name. It was Dr, he came to inform me that I had 7 eggs. My next question was 'how are their quality?' (I didn't know that time Dr would not know about the quality till next day) Dr's answer was 'ok'. (May be he said that to relieve me)

After I was fully recovered from sedation and had a cup of milo, I was ready to go. (Nurse in the ward commended that I was very quick) I went upstairs to Dr's clinic and met with the nurse. Dr also made a quick visit to ask if I'm feeling ok. Dr was very confident he was telling that I might have some embryos to freeze this time. Well my answer was 'Well Dr, that depends on egg quality and sperm', Dr was 'Let's hope for the best'.

After I came back home I had severe cramps, it was almost as if I could not stand straight, and it was painful when I was coughing or laughing. After a days rest, next day I was feeling absolutely normal.

Due to my past experience, I asked nurse to inform me about the progress next day. From morning I nervously waited for the call from clinic. I was so nervous, I really can't recall me being so nervous in recent pass. Except 16 years back I was nervous like this when I was waiting for my GCE O/L results.

Finally around 9.30 am embryologist called me, (that was quick) ' you have 4 matured eggs, 3 fertilized'. I was quickly doing my math and comparing my results to other patients whom I know.

Patient 1 got 15 eggs, 12 fertilized, 6 good quality on D3
Patient 2 got 15 eggs, 11 fertilized, 2 transferred on D2, balance frozen

OMG my results is nothing compared to them, norm is 80% fertilization, in my case only 42%. From that point onward I was very stressed thinking if my embies would survive till D3.

I had two days before scheduled embryo transfer, first day I went shopping and did hair color  second day whole day I was busy cooking as we were hosting dinner for some friends at our place. It was a good distraction for me.

On embryo transfer day I arrive at the clinic, I emptied bladder one hour before scheduled transfer, and started drinking water. I took 2 glasses of water, when I changed cloths went in to the procedure room for abdomen scan, embryologist told my bladder was full. Thank God, this limit is bearable for me. 

My hubby was allowed to sit with me during transfer, but he too has to wear special cloths. He looked very funny with it, I was laughing at him. Good, some distraction for me.

After few minutes Dr came, he informed that 3 eggs had some chromosomal issue hence they could not inject sperm into it, and out of 4, 3 fertilized and 2 survived till Day 3, 3rd one did not divide into cells.

Dr said those two are good quality embryos and he'd be surprised if I don't get pregnant. I asked 'how many cells' & 'how about fragmentation'. One was 8 cell and other was 6 cell, fragmentation nil. Ok I'm satisfied with the results. I was hoping if all 3 survived till D3, it'll be good to transfer all 3, which means more chances of pregnancy. But 2 is ok.

Inserting speculum inside me is very very painful, even though some women don't feel any pain or only minor discomfort. May be it took around 10 minutes to do the transfer and it was done.

I brought my ipod and eye mask with me. so while I was resting I asked them to turn off the lights and was listening to music. Didn't even realize 10 minutes passing by. Afterwards I was allowed to pass urine, and rest another 30 minutes in recovery room.

We changed cloths, went to the clinic to get Lutel phase support medicine.(Duphaston (Oral Progesterone), Utrogestan (Vaginal insert Progesterone), and Progynova (Estrogen to start from 5th day post transfer)  Friendly nurse wished me luck and I am required to go back for my blood test 12th day post transfer.

Word of Caution - Maximum 2-3 glasses are adequate to have your bladder full, start drinking from an hour before the procedure. Don't over do because you will not be able to relax after embryo transfer if your bladder is very full.

For egg retrieval we are supposed to go fasting, you may feel uncomfortable if you have not emptied bowel in the morning. My tip is eat plenty of fruit and drink 8-10 glasses of water on previous night and  so that you can pass motion without any trouble. I ate one big guava which works well for me.

16 October 2011

Appointment with Dr Prashant Nadkarni

April 2011 - Sep2011

We both went to see Dr P. One good thing is, this clinic is closer to my hubby's office, which means he'll accompany me for all the appointments. During last two attempts I always go alone and my hubby comes only during procedures.

Dr listens to our history and shared that PCOS patients respond differently to IVF medicine. Not in a predictable manner, hence my past results. Dr asked me to do fasting blood test to check my insulin and vitamin D levels.

Hubby has to take Vitamin E, multi vitamin, Co-Q 10, Vitamin C & D. These medications will prevent DNA damage in sperms. For both of us its recommended to take Omega 3. We opted for flaxseed oil capsules.

I also did accupuncture, may be for a month and after a while I could not take needles any more, so I stopped.

Dr also told that having normal BMI i.e. below 25 is essential, because higher the weight is higher the rate of miscarriage.

My insulin levels were high, it has to be below 11. Insulin plays an important role in egg quality. Hence Dr prescribed glucophage xr500mg twice a day, along with metformin 500mg twice a day.

I took metformin after lunch  and dinner, and glucophage xr (extended release of metformin) after dinner and managed to bring down my insulin levels within the range.

Next is Vitamin D, my vitamin D levels were way below required levels. Vitamin D levels are important for uterus lining. So Dr prescribed GNC vitamin D 400 iu capsules 3 in the morning 3 in night, totally 2400iu daily to bring my vitamin D level under normal range. He also recommended I do swimming and be outdoors to get enough sunlight, which I'm not so fond of considering hot, humid, sweaty weather in kl.

By June 2011, my test revealed my Vitamin D levels are within the range. Dr said now I'm ready for my IVF.

We were hoping to do our IVF in July, but got interrupted by unforeseen travel opportunity. So we thought of doing it in end of August.

But after I returned from my holidays, due to my binging, my insulin levels had spiked up again. So I waited till Sep so that I can regulate my insulin levels.

Yes I managed bring my insulin under control and I'm ready for my next IVF.

Oh how about my frozen embies?

March 2011

I prepared my self to do frozen embryo transfer. Went for a scan on D2 to check if my uterus lining was below 4mm and started on estrogen pills to build up my lining.

And on D14, I went for a scan again, Dr revealed my lining is not optimum. A common problem with PCOS patients, still its ok and we can go ahead with FET.

Next day is thawing day, I nervously waited for the call from Co-ordinator. I remember it was a Thursday. Yep finally she called to inform that 4 cell embryo did not survive and it lysed. And the other one has not divided into cells, hence not suitable for transfer.

I was devastated, but no choice. We decide to see Dr again. Dr patiently listened to me, my weepings and explained to us. I wanted to try another cycle soon. But Dr recommended I try out another clinic, with another Dr. Dr Mahesh is such a nice Dr, I don't think most of the Dr's in town does this but he recommended me to one of this colleague or he also gave an option that we try it at KKH in Singapore.

I was very firm that I wanted to try my next cycle with same Dr, because I was very comfortable with him. Dr's point was; different Dr's will have different views, and their approach differs, so what works for one patient might not work for the other.

After we came home, we both talked and decided we try out this Dr recommended by Dr Mahesh. So I contacted co-ordinator and requested letter briefing my treatment summary.

And I also make an appointment to see Dr Prashant Nadkarni at KL Fertility Centre.

My Ramblings (Disapointment, Frustration & I feel like I'm a total failure:(((

Feb 2011

After my BFN, I was very upset, cried to recover from the sorrow. Sorrow that everyone around you except you are getting pregnant. Don't you feel that way? Ever since we've started attempting to conceive it's very hard for me to digest when I hear the news of pregnancy of friends & family. As we jokingly say it seems like for everyone else its happening on "Press of Button". But for us even IVF is a struggle. Sometimes it spoils my whole day thinking what a failure I'm, that I couldn't become a mom still :(( will I ever become one? Should I blame it on my weight? my hubby? my karma? I don't know. Its very tuff to cope up and walk around pretending I'm happy while watching all of those perfect families around me. My hubby would be such a great Dad, and me I've got some great cooking skills which is just going to waste without having a family. 

Oh God I really don't wont to give up, in the meantime its a torture to repeatedly go through IVF cycles again, & again. One thing you still don't know is; all these stimulating medications has side effects. Patients who have gone through IVF are more prone to ovarian and breast cancer. But I don't mind anything even if I get sick its not a problem if I can become a "Mother". Sometimes I feel I should not be desperate like this, people say it happens only when you 'Let Go'. But how can u give up? can you? well I'm unable to ...... sometimes I don't even like to associate with anyone, because I feel everyone else has perfect families except for us. "Two loners going on a dark long journey" without any sight of light at the end...

Note : How do I cope with this IVF stress? I like to sweat it out, every time i feel stressed, disappointed and frustrated I head to the gym and work out rigorously till I drop my last bit of sweat. I've found gyming is a very good stress reliever for me. If my body won't cope up I would tell, "if you can't become pregnant, at least cope with this strenuousness"

Other method which I also do is cry, cry and cry and vomit out all your sorrow to someone. Next put some loud music and engage your self in favorite activity.

IVF Attempt No 1

Dec2010 - Jan2011

I was put on another month of contraceptive pills and I was also given metformin 500mg. When I started on metformin twice a day i.e after lunch and dinner, I felt very dizzy. Once after exercise I felt as if I'm almost going to fall, I came home and had a cup of orange juice and lied in the couch. Dr said it's one of the initial side effects of metformin and nothing to worry about.

This time I was given different medicine Puregon 200iu & Menopur 75iu from D2 to D11. My first scan was on D7, I was very nervous while I was lying in scan room. I was scared thinking about my previous experience, 'what if i don't respond to medicine' this cycle too? Luckily scan revealed 12 follicles on left and 7 on right ovary. Dr said he expect to collect around 10 eggs. Much relieved. I also have to start on Orgalutran injection from today till D11, to prevent ovulation.

D9 scan revealed 12 follicles on left and 6 on right. D11 scan revealed around 30. I was informed that they might not do embryo transfer for me due to high risk of Ovaries Hyper Stimulation Syndrome. (OHSS) I was very upset with this news, I didn't want to end this journey half way like this. Also research revealed that  chances of becoming pregnant with frozen embryos were much lower than fresh embryos. I also did a blood work to check oestradoil levels on that day.

I was devastated, but no choice right? I was hoping that if we get around 26 fertilized embryos (80% fertilization is the general norm) I can do 5 rounds of FET's.

I did my HCG injection on D11 and D13 was my big day. On day D13 after I woke up from my anesthesia, my hubby informs "7 eggs collected" and I say "WHAT????" & "How could it be?". Dr has left the clinic so I only was able to see embryologist. She said she's watching out my eggs. I said 'OK....'

After I reached home co-ordinator calls to inform that my eggs aren't very good quality. They have to wait till tomorrow to see fertilization. I was upset, bleeding whole night, had stomach cramps and fever @ 100.7F.

Next day we arrive at the clinic for a scan and to check the results. Apparently 4 fertilized out of 7 eggs, 3 are ok 1 on the 'look'. Scan revealed my uterus lining was little damaged hence Dr preferred to do embryo transfer on next cycle. Co-ordinator also told number of eggs retrieved correlates with my oestradiol levels which was 6303 before egg retrieval.

On egg collection day and on next day, I was put on drips to prevent OHSS. By evening after spending whole day in the ward, I decided I wanted to do embryo transfer. Because chances of embryo surviving thawing process is less and pregnancy with frozen embryos is less as well. And I didn't want to end this journey half way like this. Called Co-ordinator and informed that I want to do one embryo transfer.

They agreed on my point and one 4 cell D2 embryo was transferred on D15. Other 2 were frozen.

On D22 I noticed some red spotting, D23 red discharge with pieces and on D24 lot of red bleeding. I think it's my darling Aunty visiting me lol. I called Co-ordinator, she asked me to come for blood test any way on D25 and confirmed BFN.

Note : During stimulating period I was asked to drink plenty of water (I drank 8-10 glasses) and took 4-6 egg whites a day. Oh Gosh taking egg whites was unbearable, worse than giving jabs on me. I'm not used to eating eggs. I hate that smell. Still had to do it every day. Apparently albumin - protein in egg white prevents OHSS.

I also prefer doing injections by myself, than others poking into you. You just have to pinch that area and inject. Pain from pinch overlaps injecting pain most of the time.

I learnt at the end of this cycle, that there are so many hurdles you have to pass while doing IVF.

1. You should respond well for stimulating drugs (which I failed in my 1st Attempt)
2. Adequate amount good eggs should be retrieved (results of my IVF 1)
3. 80% or less should be fertilized (Never happened in my case)
4. Fertilized embryos should divide into cells & survive, 4 cells on D2, 6-10 cells on D3, blastocyst on D5 
(D2, D3 or blastocyst embryos are transferred, and it varies depending on clinics)

Embryo transfer is done only when all four hurdles are passed. I realise IVF is not so simple, very tuff emotionally challenging, mentally draining journey!!!

14 October 2011

IVF attempt No 1 converted to IUI

Nov 2010
One of my friend suggested I try out this clinic called Concept Fertility Center in Damai hospital. She also talked about friendly co-ordinator Lu Yee and nice down to earth, 'not money minded' doctor Mahes Sittampalam. My friend was planning to do her 2nd IVF there. (She succeeded, first ET resulted in pregnancy but she miscarried before 3 months. Later did a FET, 3 embryos were transferred and now she delivered cute lil boy)

I checked out this clinic, met the co-ordinator and carried some blood tests, and it confirmed my PCOS condition. I was advised to go on BC pills for 2 months. It will regulate my periods and hormones before IVF attempt.

I went on a holiday during this time, returned with a bad cough and started my IVF treatment. When I went for my D2 scan, Dr was away, so another Dr along with Co-ordinator did the scan. Later on I was given Gonal F 150 iu, they said I was given a lower dose considering my age (i was 32) and  lot of follicles was visible during scan. From D6 i started Orgalutran to stop my follicles from ovaluating.

On D7 scan revealed only 5 follicles on right side is growing. And on left many small follicles. Dr increased the dose to 225iu. on D9 scan revealed 2 big follicles on right side, and balance were still small. And on the left side Nil. On D10 Dr increased the dose to 300iu. D11 scan revealed only 2 big follicles on right side. Nil on left. Dr said I'm being resistant to stimulating medicine. 

I was advised to opt for IUI, due to less no of follicles. Going ahead with IVF is not worth the money, torture and results. (Because during IVF from egg collection numbers continue to drop i.e. if 10 eggs are collected fertilization will be around 7, and may be 5 will make it to D3, and only 3 for D5 transfer. It varies from patient to patient)

On D14 I did my IUI and on D27 even before I was due for my pregnancy test (D28) aunt flow arrived.

Note: During this cycle I was eating lot of chocolates, which I brought back from my holiday. Later I learnt insulin plays an important role in egg quality and growth.  So I recommend those of you who are trying IVF to go on low sugar, low carb, more protein diet to get optimum results

First time consultation with fertility specialist

From Nov 2009 -  Oct 2010
One good thing we did was as soon as we decided to start a family, we consulted gynecologist to check our condition. We did our background research and decided see Dr Yong Jee Kien from Tropicana Medical Center. He did blood test and scan on me and sperm test for my hubby.

Diagnosis was I've polycystic ovaries (PCOS), and my hubby has low sperm count.

Doctor prescribed, clomid and hcg injection to ovulate. We tried this method with inseminating sperm for first 3 cycles, without failure it was BFN every cycle.

I was heavily exercising those days. I'm not sure if that's the reason for my results.

Next 3 cycles we tried only with clomid and no HCG injection. And afterward for 2 cycles we tried before moving to attempt my 1st ivf cycle