24 April 2015


This blog is closed after success! Managed to have 2 beautiful babies through FET's. Thanks God for your blessings!

31 March 2015

Week 37 – 41

I have been working till week 39 but at the start of the week 39 I was down with severe flu, sore throat and phlegm so I took around 1 ½ week medical till my due date. As I’m writing this now I’m 3 days passed my due date. Despite my walking, climbing stairs and active life style baby seems to be settled well inside me. Now on 31st March I personally do not want him to arrive on the 1st April. So today and tomorrow I will take it slow just being a couch potato!

In the meantime I’m under continuous monitoring for baby’s heartbeat amniotic fluid etc., to ensure he is fine inside me. I’m also at a higher dose of insulin now at 8-8-10 all 3 meals to control my blood sugar levels as well as baby’s weight. Last time he was approximately 4kgs.

By end of this week i.e. maximum by due date + 5 days I will be induced. I’m still hoping for normal delivery. As per last check with midwife baby’s head is nicely positioned and I was dilated. So I’m still hoping that things will go smoothly with the long awaited arrival of my baby!

I would also like to mention here how supportive and friendly the family clinic - Fertilitas has been all throughout my pregnancy.

24 February 2015

Week 17 – 36 – 2nd & entering 3rd Trimester

My second trimester had been pretty quiet with almost back to normal life. Feeling of flutters which slightly grew into strong kicks which then turned into movements close to the third trimester. Yes I do not feel much kicking anymore instead I feel and see my stomach moving sometimes specially after meals.

At around week 26 I had to go on a tuff hike climbing around 400 meters. I had climbed around 1500 meters in the past but this 400 meters seemed never ending hike with my pregnancy. I was a little worried after completing this challenge, as around this time I also started to feel less kicking. Thank God scan ensured everything was ok.

At around week 30 I was diagnosed with gestational diabetics. I have no explanation as to how I got these, because all I craved during the pregnancy was sour and spicy stuff. I could hardly take anything sweet. I would consume home baked cakes occasionally as snacks and I liked them because it was less sweet. Gestational diabetics means the baby gets more supply of sugar than required and he might grow big in size. Resulting in early delivery, c-section and baby having blood sugar problems after birth.

I went for a diet counselling and also had to monitor my blood sugar levels at home before and after meals. Finally my Dr referred me to a endocrinologist to control my sugar levels with medicine. But still at week 36 I have not seen the Dr as it is carnival season now everything is shut. My iron and B12 levels are also low, I feel extremely tired at times. I try to eat an egg a day and add more spinach to my diet in addition to all the multi-vitamins I take.

In the meantime scan reveals that lil fella is growing at a good speed and estimated to be slightly above the range. He was estimated to be around 2.9kg at 35 weeks.

In the meantime I have started climbing stairs (3-5 storey) and walk at least 3 km a day during week days trying my best to have a normal birth. Weight gain so far at 36 weeks 12.5 kgs.